Thursday, March 24, 2011

Guest Book

I don't want a traditional guest book. They never get filled up and and you never really look at them. So I have come up with a few different ideas. Jason and I have decided to let the guest decide! So take the poll and let us know what you think.

Idea one: Quilt

Idea Two: Signed Framed Picture

Idea Three: Signed & Framed Records

1 comment:

  1. Hey Felicia, it's Alaris!

    At our wedding we did a scrapbook for our guest book. We put engagement pictures on each of the pages, and then had people sign them. We left the pages loose, easy for signing. We got different colored scrapbook sheets (since purple was our main color, we did different shades and also did grays and off white shades), got different colored scrapbooking pens (we did silver, black, and white for the dark purple pages) and then later we bought a white scrapbook to put them in. (I also heard of people leaving spaces blank on the pages and put in wedding pictures later) Just an idea!
